My Work



A Discord bot used to utilities.

Project 1


Maily focusing on web development and currently taking interest on web security. I also constantly learning new tech stacks and expanding my skillsets. Here is tech stacks which i excels at and my past experience


  • Angular
  • React.js
  • Django

Back End

  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • Python
  • PHP

Past Experience

  • Created prototype attendance system using Angular, Nodejs, and MySQL
  • Created e-wallet system prototype using Angular, Nodejs, and Hyperledger Fabric
  • Created hare-discord
  • Created ticket ordering web app prototype using React.js, Node js, and PostgreSQL

Currently taking interest in creating mobile app for myself and people who might need it

Past Experience

  • Created ticket ordering mobile app prototype using React Native, Node js, and PostgreSQL
  • Created wiki app prototype using Flutter